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  • Writer's pictureVal Bastien

If Santa Was Your Vocal Coach

Updated: Aug 20

I always imagine that if Santa could sing he would sound like Elvis. I get this cue about his voice from his hearty laughter, rich in bass tones. What if Santa could not only sing but he was YOUR vocal coach? Now that is an interesting thought, isn't it?

Santa Claus singing in front of a microphone.
What would be Santa's singing advice if he were your vocal coach?

Vocal Coach Santa's Advice

Here's what Santa would say to you:

1) Have You Been Good Boys and Girls This Year?

Let me paraphrase: have you been practicing? Your commitment to singing will determine your outcome.

Whether you are working on developing your full vocal potential by learning correct vocal technique.

Preparing for an audition.

Looking to expand your repertoire by learning new exciting and challenging songs.

Rehearsing for your next show.

About to record your next masterpiece.

Remember that singing songs from beginning to end is not as beneficial as practicing areas of need in isolation. Don't just wing it on performance day. Know your stuff until it is impossible to make a mistake. You will feel more confident when you sing and satisfied with how you carried yourself out.

2) Be jolly but skip the cookies!

We all know of Santa's weakness for chocolate cookies. His advice here is "Do as I say but not as I do: don't eat the cookies!" According to as little as 75 grams of sugar compromises the white cell's ability to fight off bacteria and viruses for about 5 hours.

Alcohol is another notorious blood sugar raising food that we all love during the holidays. Avoid it too. Santa can be a real party pooper, can't he?! The thought that one evening of indulgence can set you back for weeks makes it easier to resist. You can do it!

3) Show Me A Leader

Being a singer opens the door to wonderful leadership opportunities. If you're in a band, let's not kid ourselves, even if the guitar player thinks he's the boss, the audience looks up to you first. Not to downplay the importance of other players but your role as the lead vocalist defines a great majority of how the band is perceived. That's a LOT of responsibility!

You can still be an awesome leader even if you prefer to sing and work by yourself. This conveys that you are self-reliant and can accomplish tasks without the interference of others. This requires great confidence and discernement. You might be surprised to find out how your resourcefulness and drive inspires others to get things done too.

Great leaders are well aware of their actions and how it affects others.

They have integrity.

They communicate well with others and welcome their participation to create a climate of inclusion.

They are respectful and show gratitude often.

They are courageous and happily step in to solve problems peacefully and positively.

Your leadership as a frontman/woman or as a solo contributor to your family, circle of friends and community raises our collective musical consciousness and well-being. And that is fantastic!

4) Deliver the Goods

Show up! It's not enough to dream. Take concrete actions daily that will take you closer to achieving your goal.


Learn new songs.

Challenge yourself.

Join a choir or meet regularly with other musicians to make music.

Book some events.

In other words talk the talk and walk the walk. Becoming an outstanding singer requires time and effort. Clearly define what you are ready to commit to and DO IT! A great part of your success revolves around mindset. Perseverance and consistency are certainly key to being able to deliver the goods when an opportunity presents itself.

5) Get the Help You Need to Succeed

Santa agrees that he can't do it ALL on his own. That's why he's not afraid to ask Mrs. Claus and his army of elves for a hand. And so should you.

For example, I have learned that trying to mix and self-produce my singing resulted in a poor quality product. I'd rather pay for some studio time and hire a professional audio-engineer to mix my work. It costs more money than doing it myself but the investment is well worth the time I save and the frustration I avoid.

However, no gears or engineering skills can fix a bad performance.

And no amount of charms, good looks or "feeling it" compensate for an unpleasant voice or obvious lack of vocal control. Your approach to singing is inadequate if you:

Sing off key.

Strain to hit high notes.

Can't belt for volume.

Can't convey the emotions of your songs because your voice isn't doing what you want it to do.

Get the help you need to give it your 100%. Sing AT YOUR BEST on COMMAND.

Santa is a little busy right now getting all of his gifts ready for Christmas this year but I am available to SUPPORT you. I want to see you THRIVE with INCREDIBLE skills that will unlock your UNIQUE talent so I have put together a FREE masterclass to get you started.

You are the driver of your own destiny. The road to success is STRAIGHT FORWARD with the RIGHT guidance. Get on your chariot of fire for the ride of your life! Click below to learn the 5 strategies my clients use to sing higher, louder and effortlessly. Sign up for your spot now:

Oh, I just got off the phone with Santa. He said: "Thank you for bringing so much JOY to the world with your BEAUTIFUL voice." The love and kindness you bring with your music is felt from around the globe because when you brighten someone's day with your singing, the vibration expands from one experience to the other in an endless wave of happiness.

Elevate your vocal skills. I’m eager to explore your vocal dreams. Set up your free consultation session here:

I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Ho ho ho!

Santa & Val


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