Dear singers, I'm not gonna lie. 2020 has been very chaotic and filled with rather unpleasant surprises. Probably the most depressing year of our lives... The pandemic comes at the top of the list. Political instability. Bush fires. Plane and Helicopter crashes. Murder hornets. The world is in turmoil... Even Prince Harry and Meghan agreed with their own share of trouble at Buckingham Palace!

While the music and entertainment industry has come to a complete stop, times are tough for musicians. But where there is darkness there is light. Hidden in the catastrophe is a fantastic opportunity to turn the situation around. I believe that if you're willing to rise to the challenge and smell the roses, 2020 can be the BEST year ever for your singing and creative expression.
You may think that the year is almost finished, but if you commit to your art and under proper guidance, two months is plenty of time to get your voice on track.
How do I know?
Because many of my clients are doing just that.
The truth is, singers have more time to dedicate to expanding their skills. They can finally dedicated themselves to understanding their voice and maximizing their talent.
The question is: do you want to be one of them?
It's not too late. You still have just over two months to make it happen. Make 2020 an incredible year. Finish with a bang!
No matter what your vocal struggles are, I want you to imagine how wonderful it would feel to sing effortlessly. To be in control of your voice. To record your masterpiece. To perform in front of fans who adore you. To sing your heart out and loving it because you are living an inspired life every day.
How would it feel on January 1st, 2021 to reflect on 2020 and know that while everyone else was running in circles, you found a way to EXCEL!
Is this the year you defy your limits to pursue higher purposes? Is this the year you reach your vocal goals?
If that's what you want, let's work together. I offer amazing singing lessons to get you to sing at your best.
We're going to cover everything from mindset to vocal technique to interpretation. I will walk you through the ins and outs of singing freedom. You will experience HUGE changes, transforming your abilities to sing higher and louder FAST.
I use a proven structure in a precise sequence to build your vocal instrument from the foundation up. I use simple yet breakthrough techniques that yield results quickly, implementing new strategies to adapt to your learning style and individual needs.
Seize the moment. Aim and shoot! Meet your 2020 target today!
Schedule your free Breakthrough Session to discuss your vocal goals and how I can best serve you to make your dream a reality.
Hit me up at:
Follow your bliss and sing your heart out!