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Val Bastien
Aug 25, 20234 min read
Journey of the Best Singing Lessons in Toronto
In the world of music, where the harmony of emotions and melodies create magic, being recognized as the "Best Singing & Voice Lessons in...

Val Bastien
Apr 15, 20233 min read
How Was Your First Singing Lesson?
You have been singing for years and recently felt inspired to sign up for singing lessons. You looked into whether in-person or online...

Val Bastien
Apr 8, 20236 min read
Five Tips To Choose The Best Vocal Coach
Singing is a personal and invigorating experience; it’s a pursuit of excellence and recognition. For many, especially during times of...

Val Bastien
Feb 26, 20234 min read
How To Get Rid of a Stubborn Cough
I'm hearing from so many singers that their cold, flu or worse Covid left them with a stubborn cough this season. I myself struggled with...

Val Bastien
Jan 8, 20233 min read
Vocal Warm-Up: 3 Must Haves
Whether to warm-up or not is an eternal dilemma for many singers. Over the last 20 years coaching beginners, semi-professional singers...

Val Bastien
Jan 1, 20232 min read
2023: Learn How to Sing; REALLY Sing!
We have a new and exciting year ahead and it's the perfect time to set intentions for 2023. As a singing teacher, I love to see singers...

Val Bastien
Dec 24, 20226 min read
If Santa Was Your Vocal Coach
I always imagine that if Santa could sing, he would sound like Elvis. What if Santa could not only sing but he was YOUR vocal coach?

Val Bastien
Dec 3, 20223 min read
Why Take Singing Lessons?
Learning to sing requires introspection to recognize when we need help. We can all teach ourselves to sing to a certain extent. Although...

Val Bastien
Oct 23, 20223 min read
Stage Fright
Show time is a strange journey when you have a singing performance ahead and fear is creeping in. Your pulse is racing and you're...

Val Bastien
Oct 16, 20225 min read
Gear Up for the Flu Season: Best Flu Medicine For Singers
If you are sick and tired of catching viral infections, you're not alone. Unfortunately, the common cold and flu viruses never went away...

Val Bastien
Oct 8, 20224 min read
Is Your Sore Throat Killing You? How To Avoid Vocal Damage
Do you feel like you haven't been yourself lately, vocally speaking? Does your voice feel tired after practicing, band rehearsals, or a...

Val Bastien
Sep 18, 20223 min read
Are You A Doer or Don'ter?
I see many talented singers out there who long to find their true voice and share their gift with their family and friends but who lack...

Val Bastien
Sep 10, 20224 min read
What About Posture For Singing?
Are you happy with your singing? Are you interested in immediate improvement? If so, one of the very first things you should examine when...

Val Bastien
Sep 3, 20226 min read
What Do Back-To-School, Learning How To Sing And Writing Have In Common?
As summer fades and school begins, many families have been preparing for the Back-To-School season. Some of you who start school in...

Val Bastien
Aug 13, 20225 min read
6 Ways To Vitaminize Your Water
It's summer and it's hot! Many of you wonderful singers are performing outdoors, sometimes under the blaring sun and in the crushing heat...

Val Bastien
Jul 16, 20224 min read
Got Rhythm? Tips To Sing At Your Best!
During singing lessons, singers are often most concerned about the quality of their voice and seek to improve their vocal technique. Of...

Val Bastien
Jul 3, 20221 min read
How To Sing Harmonies
Are you interested in learning how to sing harmonies? Would you like to find out what is the easiest way to come up with cool harmonies?...

Val Bastien
Jun 26, 20222 min read
Let's Go Sing; All About Your Journey!
The summer solstice officially started this week on June 21st. At every change of season, I feel a renewed sense of inspiration to meet...

Val Bastien
Jun 18, 20221 min read
How To Sing From The Diaphragm
"Sing from the diaphragm" they say! What exactly does that mean? Aren't we always using the diaphragm to breath and sing? Is using the...

Val Bastien
Jun 18, 20221 min read
How To Sing On Pitch
There are a few reasons why singers sing out of tune. First, identify what causes you to go off pitch. Next, apply winning strategies to...
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